Plant expansion
On June 1st, the president of the Republic, Mr. Martin Vizcarra and Dr. De Honglin, president of the Aluminum Corporation of China, announced the initiation of work on the expansion of the Toromocho Mining Unit.
This expansion implies an increase in our daily production capacity of 117,200 tons to 170,000 up until 2021.

Tax Works
Law No. 29230, called the "Law on Works for Taxes", is a form of public investment in which private enterprise participates to promote the efficient execution of projects with the aim of improving the quality of life and generating development.
Chinalco Peru has had a successful experience in Yauli district in partnership with Compania Minera Chungar S.A.C. (a subsidiary of Volcan Compania Minera S.A.A.) and Ferreyros S.A. by implementing the project, "Improvement and expansion of drinking water services, sewage and wastewater treatment from the Aguas Calientes, Santa Rosan, Bolognesi, Centro Yauli, Las Brisas, Manuel Montero and San Juan Bautista de Pachachaca, Distrito de Yauli- Yauli - Junin”.
Source: Portal de Proinversion
In May of 2019, Chinalco Peru obtained the prospectus of Colca and Jalaoca, both located in Apurimac, via a public auction carried out by the Instituto Geologico, Minero y Metalurico (Ingemmet).